Research conducted by ACORD Rwanda in 2017 on behalf of PACTEAC 2 project
This study is published as part of the project “Promoting Agriculture, Climate and Trade linkages in the East African Community – Phase 2” (PACT EAC2). Led by CUTS International Geneva in collaboration with ACORD Rwanda, the project aims to build the capacity of individuals, networks and institutions to identify and promote appropriate policies for climate-aware, trade-oriented, food security-enhancing agro-processing in the EAC region.
The purpose of this study is to propose the main features of a possible National Agro Processing Forum (NAFP), including its mandate, objectives, composition, institutional framework and thematic areas, which are to be covered towards promoting climate-aware, tradedriven and food security-enhancing agro-processing development. More specifically, the study focused on the following key elements:
- Reviewing the developments of agro-processing in Rwanda;
- Establishing the best way of implementing Rwanda’s industrial policy for climate-aware, trade-driven and food security-enhancing agro-processing development;
- Articulating the rationale of having the National Agro-Processing Forum (NAPF), and its added value in agro-processing development;
- Bringing on board key institutions and stakeholders including MINICOM, Private Sector Federation (PSF), and private stakeholders who are currently involved in agro-processing in Rwanda;
- Conducting a countrywide survey in gathering relevant information and the views of agro-
processing businesses in Rwanda; and - Providing actionable recommendations towards establishing a NAPF.
Among the proposed for consideration and further actions:
- Establishing and Supporting the National Agro-Processing Forum (NAPF): This is very
important because supporting and strengthening the NAPF will ensure the effective coordination of all relevant institutions and stakeholders to work together and address how Rwanda can enhance agro-processing and how the country will maximize exports of agro-processed products within the region and in international markets. - Putting in place an agro-processing policy: Among the key stakeholders, there is a general consensus on the need to put in place a specific policy and strategy that is dedicated to support and promote a vibrant agro-processing sector in Rwanda.