+250 252 574 619 | +250 788 502 420

ACORD Rwanda works in common cause with people who are poor and marginalized to obtain social justice and development and be part of locally rooted citizen movements.

News & Events

Alert Note: My food is African, a deep dive into alternati…

The Project "Mobilizing for African Food Policy”...

Documenting traditional culinary practices of Rwanda

The Project "Mobilizing for African Food Policy”...

Projet ACORD Rwanda 2022-2026 Féministes pour des Alterna…

ACORD Rwanda est en consortium avec le CCFD Terre ...

Projet ACORD Rwanda 2022 Femmes Agricultrices pour des Alt…

Le projet FACE trouve sa pertinence dans la répon...

The National Reference Group calls for a sustainable seed …

The National Reference Group (NRG) recommends that...



National Reference Group calls for enough, quality food fo…

he National Reference Group (GNR) wants sufficient...

There is an urgent need to harmonize agricultural policies…

The observation that emerges in order to achieve s...

«La bonne productivité agricole réalisée doit rencontr…

La bonne productivité agricole réalisée doit im...

Il y a un urgent besoin d’harmoniser les politiques agri…

Le constat qui se dégage dans le but d’atteindr...

Le Groupe National de Reference (GNR) veut une alimentatio…

Le Groupe National de Reference (GNR) veut une ali...

Femmes et Filles Africaines: Leur vois sur le Monde Post 2…

Les Voix des Femmes et des Filles africaines recue...

Misons sur l'Agriculture Familiale

Comment améliorer les Plans Nationaux d’Investi...

Universalising Social Justice

Our work in Rwanda in The New Times. Read the arti...

Our Values

We believe people are the primary actors in their own survival and development
We work for social justice and equality, especially for the poor and marginalized
We work in partnership with communities and in alliance with other organisations
We contribute to the prevention and resolution of conflicts affecting the communities we work with, aware that social justice and equality are the basis of meaningful peace
Integrity and courage in carrying out our work
We respect and celebrate diversity, both within the communities we work, and our own organisation
We Seek to achieve excellence in what we do

Our overall aim: Inclusive and Sustainable Livelihoods

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