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The Project "Mobilizing for African Food Policy” (MAFP) specifically aims at embracing the consumption of healthy and culturally appropriate foods supported by a favorable food policy. The overall objective was to generate knowledge on local and traditional culinary practices in different regions of Rwanda, with a purpose to produce a tool for sensitization of stakeholders to produce and consume healthy foods. Having an assumption that there are cultural traditions in preparing and eating healthy foods in ancient Rwanda we need to know how traditionally, healthy foods were prepared and served in different parts of the country. We need to document both the culinary practices from elders and look at the written sources on the same topic of healthy foods in Africa and Rwanda in particular. This baseline survey contributes to the generation of knowledge in relation to the culinary practices, assumptions on cultural foods, characteristics of a healthy food system, the tradition and culture of cuisines of Africa, the traditional cuisines of Rwanda as a cultural heritage. The report is a training, sensitization and advocacy tool for the campaign My food is African. The baseline articulates the need for conducting a national campaign for traditional healthy foods There is need…
The Project "Mobilizing for African Food Policy” (MAFP) specifically aims at embracing the consumption of healthy and culturally appropriate foods supported by a favorable food policy. The overall objective was to generate knowledge on local and traditional culinary practices in different regions of Rwanda, with a purpose to produce a tool for sensitization of stakeholders to produce and consume healthy foods. Having an assumption that there are cultural traditions in preparing and eating healthy foods in ancient Rwanda we need to know how traditionally, healthy foods were prepared and served in different parts of the country. We need to document both the culinary practices from elders and look at the written sources on the same topic of healthy foods in Africa and Rwanda in particular. This baseline survey contributes to the generation of knowledge in relation to the culinary practices, assumptions on cultural foods, characteristics of a healthy food system, the tradition and culture of cuisines of Africa, the traditional cuisines of Rwanda as a cultural heritage. The report is a training, sensitization and advocacy tool for the campaign My food is African. The baseline articulates the need for conducting a national campaign for traditional healthy foods There is need…
ACORD Rwanda est en consortium avec le CCFD Terre Solidaire, Adéquations et Womin pour la mise en œuvre de ce projet de 2022 à 2026. Il est cofinancé par l’AFD et le CCFD Terre Solidaire. L’enjeu de ce projet est de réussir à emmener des organisations de femmes ou féministes, dont beaucoup sont encore peu formées ou peu expérimentées sur l’articulation des problématiques de genre et climat, vers des trajectoires plus ambitieuses et porteuses de changement de long terme pour elles-mêmes et pour leurs territoires. L’objectif global de ce projet est de Contribuer à l’émergence et au développement d’alternatives de la société civile locale notamment africaine permettant la promotion des droits des femmes face à la crise climatique et environnementale qui les affecte. Plus spécifiquement, le projet va (1) Soutenir les capacités et activités des organisations engagées dans la lutte pour le respect des droits des femmes et l’égalité de genre, face aux causes et aux impacts du changement climatique et rechercher/financer des alternatives pour la transition écologique, la préservation des ressources naturelles et de la biodiversité. (2) Documenter les actions, sensibiliser et interpeller d’autres parties prenantes sur les droits des femmes et leurs actions pour la préservation du climat…
Le projet FACE trouve sa pertinence dans la réponse aux contraintes actuelles qui affectent les moyens d’existence des femmes agricultrices, en particulier: proposer des pratiques alternatives qui contribuent à réduire progressivement la dégradation rapide des écosystèmes et de la biodiversité, préparer les femmes agricultrices à résister et à faire face aux menaces accrues des catastrophes naturelles et d'origine humaine, sensibiliser la femme agricultrice afin qu’elle puisse jouir de ses droits d’accès aux services de base, de participation, de leadership et de prise de décision face à la perpétuation des inégalités et injustices du genre inhérente à une société patriarcale. Le présent projet vient répondre aux besoins exprimés par les femmes agricultrices (FA) localisées dans la province de du Nord du pays, District de Musanze, Secteur de Muko et Gataraga. Le choix du site est justifié par le fait que Musanze se situe sur une zone agroécologique à haut risque avec des exploitations agricoles exposées aux effets climatiques dont l’érosion et le lavage des sols volcaniques. Ce district vient en 3eme place des Districts du pays (après Ngororero et Nyabihu) qui souffre de la malnutrition et du retard de croissance des enfants (45.4%). Celle-là affecte considérablement les mères enceintes en proie de…
The National Reference Group (NRG) recommends that Agriculture policymakers should make sure that the growing seeds industry is inclusive of representatives of smallholder farmers and their associations in order to design a sustainable seed system managed by farmers whereby they will not have to buy seeds from agro-dealers every planting season. To this endeavor, our endogenous seeds must be protected and promoted as a national heritage within the seed industry in Rwanda. The NRG is a think-tank made of different stakeholders in agriculture value chain including farmers, agribusiness companies, researchers, members of parliament, media, civil society organizations among others. Samples of endogenous seeds at the national dialogueAccording to Francois Munyentwari, Country Director of the Association for Cooperation and Research in Development (ACORD) that organizes NRG dialogues, “Our traditional seeds are a national common heritage and must not disappear. For food security, our wish is that research be carried out on these seeds to keep what they have positive to enrich by an external contribution. These traditional seeds are exchangeable, sustainable, qualitative, nutritious and tasty. They have medicinal and cultural values, they are resilient to climate change and fitting in the local agroecological environment. Furthermore their productivity can be improved to…

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