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Conducting a Carbon footprint for ACORD and its partner organizations in Rwanda

Research conducted by ACORD Rwanda in 2012

The present study was conducted on carbon footprint for ACORD-Rwanda and its partners DUHAMIC_ADRI & SOSOMA Industries Ltd as well as in the API-Business Development Company (ABDC Ltd). The study was commissioned by ACORD-Rwanda program and conducted by two climate change specialists from REMA and RDB.
The study looked at the practices at workplace and in the field that would contribute to the emission of green house gases (GHGs). These practices include those related to transport, offices, supported activities in the area of agriculture, processing and post harvest activities.

The main objective of the study is to calculate the carbon footprint in ACORD and its partners while inventorying the greenhouse gases emissions generated by the institutions and propose the ways and recommendations for mitigating them. The specific objective of this study is to highlight the relationship between our ordinary daily activities and GHG emissions in atmosphere. The outcome of this study is to allow ACORD and its partners NGOs to create awareness of GHG mitigation to others NGOs, to public and private institutions and to the population.

General proposed mitigation measures include -Use of fuel efficient car; -Use of efficiency use of electrical equipment and lightning,-Revision of the physical infrastructure like windows to allow natural ventilation, -Use efficient stove which may allow the reduction of the quantity of wood spent annually; -Replacement of Gasenyi and other types similar fuel type with wood.
This study indicates the methodology of estimation of GHG emissions which can be applied to any institution including NGO, Government institutions Small and Medium Enterprises, Factories and big companies. The mitigation measures highlighted in this study are indicative measures which can be referred to for creating awareness of GHG emissions reduction. However further study should be conducted in each specific institution for positive and negative economic impacts mainly where mitigation measures can weight on product price.

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