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Baseline Study on Integrating Agro-Ecological Practices into Agricultural Intensification Programs in Rwanda

Research conducted by ACORD Rwanda in 2019 on behalf of TAPSA project

Agro-ecological practices (AEPs), whose general principle is to rationally use natural resources to generate better livelihoods and to maximize its potentials by promoting synergies and enhancing ecosystem resilience, are attractive options for both smallholder farmers and consolidated lands for commercial farming.

The current global agri-food system is unable to feed a growing population in fair and sustainable ways. Researchers, policy-makers and NGOs grapple with dilemmas of providing affordable food for rural and urban populations, combating public health problems of obesity and malnutrition. Arable land degradation, water contamination, groundwater depletion, deforestation and land cover change, health effects of exposure to pesticides, biodiversity loss; all of these problems are attributed to conventional food production practices associated with market transactions. The challenge is finding the right combination of practices to apply agro-ecological principles and to maximize performances in food production

Rwanda and many sub Saharan countries are reviewing their agriculture and land policies with the purpose of facilitating FDI and private sector in market oriented agriculture. Rwanda has recently adopted a new strategic plan for agriculture transformation, prioritising wealth creation and innovation in agri business, through the massive use of chemical inputs with potentially harmful consequences on ecosystems and agriculture sector

In search of affordable alternatives, ACORD Rwanda, in partnership with CCFD-Terre Solidaire, is implementing a Program of Transition towards rural agroecology for Food Sovereignty. Farms of small holders are targeted through experiments of agroecological practices, high level of decision makers in agriculture and land policies are engaged through a study on effective mainstreaming of agro-ecological practices into commercial intensive farming by introducing indicators in performance contracts, gratifications in support of best agroecology practices such as mulching crops that both protects the soil against erosion and allows a renewal of natural salts, introduction of green manure and natural pesticides , promotion of agro-ecological investments (especially for a greater availability of compost and green manures) as well as the small family infrastructure of rainwater management.
Furthermore, CSO are engaged in better understanding the stakes in both conventional and agroecological agriculture and effects on biodiversity, food security and safety

This study on agroeco intensification into the CIP once completed, is providing the potentials for -a national policy dialogue on reducing synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, -institutionalisation of agroecology intensification in commercial monoculture

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